
English For Primary Teachers

English for Primary Teachers:
A handbook of activities and classroom language
1. Greetings and forms of address (Menyapa dan bentuk panggilan)
Good morning
Good afternoon
boys and girls
girls and boys
Good morning
Good afternoon
Miss/Mrs / Mr
[first name]

2. Checking attendance (Memeriksa kehadiran)
Let’s call the roll.
Let’s take the register.
Let’s check to see who’s here.

Remember to answer “I’m here”.
Thank you everybody

So, everyone is here except…
So, only two people away.

Is everybody here?

Is anyone away?
No-one absent today?
Who is missing?

Let’s all count to see if everyone is here-girls first, then boys.
Oh good, Tati, you’re back. Nice to see you.
Are you all right now.

Oh, Buyung’s away.
     Who knows why?
      Is he ill?

So, how many is 13 and 15?
       So that is 28 altogether.

Maybe he’s gone to the dentist. What do you think?

Is that more than yesterday?
    Or less than yesterday?
    Or the same?

3. Organizing the classroom (mengatur kelas)
1. Get your books and pencils  out.
2. Pick your pencils up.
3. Move the tables back.
4. Turn your face around to face the wall chart.
5. Put all your things away.
6. Close the window beside you.
7. Put your pencils down.
8. Turn back to face the front.
9. Leave these tables here.
10. Leave the windows open.

4. Ending lessons (Mengakhiri pelajaran)
  1. Ok, that’s all for now.
  2. Right. We’ve no time for anything else – don’t do any more – we don’t have any more time today.
  3. Ok – just one more time before going out for a short break.
  4. Ok, now stop! We haven’t enough time to finish the monster today. So stand up…
  5. Ok – just one more time and then that’s it.
  6. Ok, pick up all your things-and put the books in the cupboard.
  7. That’s all for today. On Monday, there’ll be more.
  8. Ok children, make a line to say goodbye – following the leader. Bye bye.
  9. Ok, it’s break time, So you can go out to play. But first-line up quietly by the door.

5. Giving instructions in English (Memberi instruksi dalam bahasa Inggris)
Sitting down and standing up
Moving around
Come in and please sit down.
Ok – sit down now please.
Sit down together at your tables.
Ok – everyone – sit down – quietly.
Ana – sit down over there – with your friend.

Purnomo, turn around and face the front.
Ok, everybody, stop talking now and listen carefully.

Ok, please stand up. And don’t make too much noise.
Everybody up! that’s right!
Stand still! Don’t move .
Stay in your places! Stay where you are.
Right, Taro, can you come here please?
Ok, come out here to the front of the class.
Ok, your group, come up to the front.
Right, now, you, you, and you…come over here

Now, get into a line. Stand in a line.
I want you to make two lines, along here…
Like this, one behind the other.
Let’s see…move up a bit…good, that’s nice and straight!

Can you make a circle? A nice round circle. Good?
Not too close…a bit further apart…step back a bit, that’s better
Suresh…come forward a bit…Yes, that’s it.

Ok, thank you. Now go back to your places.

6. Being good – a positive approach to discipline (Berperilaku baik – pendekatan yang positif terhadap disiplin)
§  Please stop talking now. No more talking for a bit. Good you lot. That is nice and quiet. You others…shh. Calm down now, OK. That’s better.
§  Quiet please! Settle down and listen. That’s good Eva. Thank you Emilio.
§  Everyone is sitting nicely…except for Tom! Tom, could you sit down like the others please? Thank you. Ok…
§  Ok, we need to be quieter to hear what everybody is saying. These two groups are doing an excellent job. Thank you for being quiet. And now we are waiting for…
§   Now who can tell me the name of the book? Lots of hands raised. Excellent.

7. Recalling routines: what we do when …(Mengingatkan hal-hal rutin: apa yang kita lakukan ketika…)
What do we do
when we are learning a new song?

when we are having a story?

when we’re reading a big book?

when we’re playing follow the leader?

after cutting out and singing?

at the end of the lesson?

everybody stand up

come up and sit on the map

come and stand round the board

everyone come out here to the front

clear everything up nicely

line up – one behind the other

get our/your bags

line up in rows beside our/your tables

push the front desks/tables back

line up quietly by the door

8. Turn-giving (Memberi giliran)
  1. Everybody-all of you! Ready?
  2. Just this row.
  3. Maria, your turn
  4. Ok, this group now…
  5. Anybody else? Hands up…one at a time…don’t just shout out.
  6. Blue team – you start. Then red, then yellow
  1. Ok, yellow, your turn next.
  2. Right, now boys and girls…all together.
  3. Class – you’re in two halves…OK, this half first.
  4. Back row, then front row.
  5. Second row, then third row.
  6. Ok, you two, then you two, next.

9. Explaining and demonstrating (Menjelaskan dan memperagakan)
Today we are going to
do some colouring.

do some drawing

do some painting

do some sticking
Look, like this…

Look at what we are going to make.
Next we are going to
Make a monster
Here’s one class 3 made.
Look here’s a picture for you to colour.

Over the next few lessons we are going to

make an Easter card.

colour some animals.

make a farm.

make a circus pictures.
Here’s a sticker sheet for you to share.

We’ll start like this.

You can all choose a different animal.
Let’s do some together as a class first, so you’ll see.
What I mean.
What it might be like.
What to do.
How to do it.

10. Asking for helpers and giving things out (Meminta bantuan siswa dan membagikan barang)
I need two helpers please
So, you can give out these pictures?
One each.
Who’d like to help? You three? Fine.

Can you pass round these sheets of paper? So everyone has one?
Santi, can you help me?

Can you give out the cards? Three for each table.
Ana and Prita – you can help me.
Hand these back down your rows.
Can you find the box of crayons and give them out?
Can you collect in the cards please? Thanks.

11. Phrases describing position (Frasa yang menyatakan posisi)
  1. On the left.
  2. In the middle - a bit to the left.
  3. In the corner, at the front.
  4. at the top of the tree
  5. at the back
  6. next to the tree
  7. right at the front of the picture.
  8. behind the tree
    1. in the background, far away
    2. under the tree
    3. at the front
    4. in the corner at the back
    5. on the right
    6. in the middle – a bit to the right
    7. by the bus stop

12. Asking who wants a turn (Bertanya siapa yang ingin mendapat giliran)
  • Who wants to start? Hands up!
  • Whose go is it?
  • Whose turn is it to do a mime?
  • One more go. Who wants the last go?
  • Blue team? But you started last time.
  • Maria again? But you’ve just had a go.
  • Who has still not had a turn?
  • Who still wants a go?
  • Which group has not been?

13. What can you do with cards? (Apa saja yang bisa kita lakukan dengan kartu?)
Here are some cards.

These are picture cards.

These are word cards.

Here are some cards with phrases on.

Here are some cards with actions on.

Can you

Will you
give them out?

deal them out?

share them round?

mix them up?

put them face down on your table?
You should have three each.

Each pair should have six.

Check you have eight on each table.

Put the rest in a pile face down.
Don’t look at them yet.

Just look at your own.

Spread them out so you can see them all.
Don’t show them to anyone else.

Don’t look at anyone else’s.

Which one makes a pair?

Oh dear!

Watch out!


Wait a minute!
One’s gone in your lap.

One’s fallen in your bag.

One’s gone under your chair.

One’s fallen on the floor.

You’ve got an extra one.

You’re one short.
Can you pick it up?

Can you reach it?

Who hasn’t got all six?

Who’s got one missing?

Who’s got one extra?

14. Extra phrases for ball games (Frasa lain untuk permainan bola)
  1. Oh dear! You dropped it!
  2. Can you get it?
  3. Can you reach it?
  4. Kick it over here.
  5. Throw it gently.
  6. Who can catch it?
  7. Pass it back to me.
  8. Get a goal.
  9. Roll it, don’t bounce it.
  10. Throw it away now.
  11. Mind the windows.
  12. Oh no it’d gone into the flower bed.
  13. No other ball games allowed in the classroom.

15. Asking children to guess or remember (Meminta anak untuk menebak dan mengingat)
Who can guess what

Can you say/ ask them what

Hands up if you can guess what

Can you remember what

they are doing?

they are going to do next?

Amanda and Martha were doing?

16. Setting up pairs and groups (Membuat pasangan dan pengelompokan)
Are you ready?

Ok, everyone.

So now everybody.

Quite please!

Listen carefully.
You’re going to do this

You’re going to work

You will be playing this
In pairs.

In twos.

In threes.

In groups of three or four.

Here are two pictures, but don’t look at them yet.

Keep them face down!
You must not show them to anyone else.

Keep them like this!

You can look at them both/all together
So, you two together.

You two and you three.

Go and sit with Laura please and make a pair.

17. Children in pairs or groups (Anak-anak berpasangan atau dalam kelompok)
Child 1
Child 2
Who wants to start?
Whose turn is it?
Who’s next?
You’re next/ I’m next.
Me! / Not me!
Mine! Yours! Ana’s!
Me! Ana!
I’ll draw and you colour, OK?
I’ll ask and you answer, OK?
You first and then me, OK?
Have we / you finished?
All right.
Yes / No, you first!
Yes! / Not yet! / Just a minute!
Can you pass me a blue pencil / yellow crayon?

Can I have the rubber / the eraser please?

Oh, I need the ruler / the scissors.

Who’s got the red marker?
Here you are.

Here it is!

Here you are / Oh! Wait a minute!

Me! Here you are / here it is.

18. Letter and word recognition (Pengenalan huruf dan kata)
Can you find your

Who can find their
name card on the table?

favorite colour among these words?

favorite food or drink?
Pick it up and show us…

Can you put it on your desk?
Can you read it out to us/

Good – can you tell us what it says?

How many other colour words can you read?
Who can find
a word for a colour?

the word for blue?

the card which says blue?

a card with an animal name on?
What other animal words can you read?

What does this one say?

19. Phonic approach (Pendekatan fonik)
Who can

Can you

Can anyone

point to

a letter which says ssss

a word beginning with a w sound

a word that starts with a b

the letters for a th sound

a word that ends with a n sound

a word that rhymes with cat
like a sssnake like in your name, Sam

as in wolf?

like b for banana?

lLike you get in three?

like green, man?

like hat, sat?

20. Finding the place (Menemukan tempat)
You need your

Please open your

Find where we go to last time

Find your place in your

activity book


page 13

page 22

page 30

middle of page 14
Read what it says…

Can you read it on your own?

Can you do what it says?

21. Story questions and prompts (Pertanyaan tentang ceritera dan arahan)


was eating the cheese (at the beginning of the story)?

saw the bird eating the cheese?

wanted the cheese?

asked the bird some questions?

sang a beautiful song?

dropped the cheese?

ate the cheese in the end?


was the bird eating?

was the fox thinking?

did the fox ask first?

did he do then?

do you think they both did next?

do you think will happen next?
He asked him to sing a song.

He flew away to another wood.

Why do you think he asked the bird to sing?
Because he liked listening to birds singing?

To make him open his mouth wide?

To make him drop the cheese?

How do you think
the bird felt, at first?

he felt at the end?

the fox felt, at first?

at the end?
Happy? Pleased? Sad?

Hungry? jealous?

Proud? Cross? Angry?

A bit silly? Stupid?

22. Starting a feedback chat (Memulai obrolan yang bersifat balikan)
That’s a

Very nice




Really good

Pretty good

Very neat




Can you tell me more about it?

Why did you do that bit yellow?

How many things has he eaten?

Wow, has he eaten all those things? Or only some?
What things does he like best?

My goodness – he’s got a lot of legs! Can he walk very fast?

So now, what are you going to draw/ write/ colour next?

23. When and how to correct (Kapan dan bagaimana mengoreksi)










Yes – it was a beautiful party. OK, now, who wants to tell the whole story?


OK, Vanessa, you start.

Croc is sad, Croc is young. Croc is crocodil…


I have got…

He has got…

He has got a big mouth, big teeth and sad.

He is sad, yes. Why is he sad?

(this was the end of the first retelling).

Should be Me or Can I? or Please! Teacher ignores it, as the meaning and intention are both clear.

Pronunciation error. Teacher corrects by putting emphasis on Crocodile, as this word occurs many times in this story.

Error affecting meaning, so teacher corrects.

Error of form – verb is omitted. Teacher rephrases to correct, and then picks up Vanessa’s idea to extend it.

24. Instructions for true/ false activities (instruksi untuk kegiatan yang memerlukan tanggapan benar/salah)
If it is true

If I’m right
Clap once like this.

Nod your head, like this.
Shout out “yes”.
Put one hand up.

If it is not true

If I’m not right

If I’m wrong
Clap twice – two claps.

Shake your head, like this.

Shout out “no”.
Put both hands up, two hands up>

25. What learners need to say and ask (Yang perlu dikatakan dan ditanyakan siswa)

I haven’t got

I’ve lost

I’ve forgotten

Look, I’ve got

My pencils.

My colours.

My book

A new bag/ pencil case.
Some new felt tip pens.


Has anyone seen Giorgio’s pencil/ book/ colours?

Can someone lend Giorgio a pencil/ some colours?

Who’s got a spare pencil?

Don’t worry, I’ve got a spare one/ set here.

Did you leave it at home? OK, never mind.

Here’s one/ Here you are.
Go and get one from my table.

Leila – can he look at your book?

Can he share with you?
That’s lovely. Who gave you that/ those?


Excuse me! Can you help me?

Please Miss X! Is this right?

I don’t know what to do.

Please can I ask in Spanish?


Yes – of course, just coming.

Wait a moment Ana, I’m just helping Peter.
Yes…what is it you need?

That’s fine like that.

Yes… What do you need to know?



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